Educators Welcome and Introduction
Dear Educators, We would like to introduce you to the first in a series of instructional suggestions from Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way. Funding for the project was generously provided by Marilyn Burgoon in memory of her sister Yvonne Woods, by the Slocan Valley Legacy Fund and by Lori Barkley. Additional funding has also been received in 2020 from the First Peoples' Cultural Council and Heritage Canada to support the Sinixt language aspects of this curriculum. Honouring the oral tradition, Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way is a unique publication in that it is an audio file/book collection of Sinixt stories. The actual stories are available ONLY in audio form and may be downloaded using instructions provided with the purchase of the book. The book itself supports the audio files in multiple ways. This project is designed to present Sinixt culture and teachings to students and the general public. After engaging in a listening...